Elevator Terms
Sudden braking safety device: Parachute system with sudden braking action on guide rails
Automobile elevator: Elevator with a cabin made in dimensions to carry non-commercial motor vehicles.
Elevator: A vehicle that has a cabin that can accommodate people due to its dimensions and construction, and carries people and loads to certain stops between guide rails that can be fully vertical or less than 15 degrees inclined to fully vertical.
Elevator hoistway: The space in which the cabin and, if any, the counterweight move. This space is limited by the bottom of the shaft, shaft walls and shaft ceiling.
Elevator Shaft: The space in which the cabin and, if any, the counterweight or balancing weight move. This space is usually limited by the bottom of the shaft, shaft walls and shaft ceiling.
Rated speed: The cabin speed value for which the elevator is designed, expressed in mt/sec.
Rated load: The load value for which the elevator is designed
Balancing Weight: A mass that saves energy by balancing all or part of the cabin weight
Electrical safety chain: All electrical safety devices connected in series
Minimum rope breaking load: Equal to the product of the square of the rope nominal diameter, the nominal strength of the rope wires and a coefficient depending on the rope structure.
Skirt: A smooth section extending vertically down from the cabin threshold or landing door threshold.
Safety gear: A mechanical device that is activated in the event of excessive downward acceleration or suspension system failure and keeps the cabin, counterweight or balancing weight stationary by braking.
Overspeed governor: A device that disables the drive system when the elevator reaches a certain speed and activates the safety system when necessary
Framework: A metal frame connected to the suspension ropes that carries the cabin, counterweight or balancing weight. This frame can also be part of the cabin walls.
Cabin: A part of the elevator that carries people and/or loads
Cabin flexible cable: A flexible cable that connects the cabin to the control panel
Counterweight: A mass that provides drive by friction
Sliding Safety Device: A safety device in which the braking effect is achieved by friction by affecting the guide rails, and special precautions are taken to limit the forces generated by the cabin, counterweight or balancing weight to an acceptable value.
Guide Rails: The parts of the elevator that guide the cabin, counterweight or balancing weight
Unlocking Zone: The area where the cabin floor must be located below and above the landing level in order to allow the landing door to be unlocked
User: The person using the elevator
Usable Cabin area: The area that passengers and loads can use during the operation of the elevator, measured at a height of 1 m from the floor.
Shaft bottom: The part of the elevator shaft below the lowest landing level where the cabin goes
Shaft top: The part of the elevator shaft above the top landing level where the cabin goes
Laminated Glass: Safety glass formed by bonding each of 2 or more layers of glass with a plastic material
Pulley room: The room where the drive machine is not located but where the pulleys, speed governor and electrical equipment can be located
Machine room: The room where the machine or machines are located
Automatic leveling: Adjusting the stopping level with successive movements if necessary during loading and unloading after the elevator has stopped
Regulator Rope: The auxiliary rope connected to the cabin, counterweight or balancing weight to operate the safety device in case the suspension system breaks
LiftArt Elevator