Disabled People and Weekends in Turkey

Disabled People and Weekends in Turkey

Disabled People and Weekends in Turkey: The Importance of Access and Participation


There are millions of disabled citizens in Turkey. Various studies are being carried out to increase the quality of life of these citizens and ensure their participation in social life. However, how disabled individuals spend their weekends, which activities they participate in and what difficulties they encounter have not been sufficiently examined. This article will focus on how disabled individuals in Turkey spend their weekends, the difficulties they encounter and suggested solutions.
Disabled People's Weekends
Weekends are a time for everyone to rest, have fun and socialize. However, for disabled individuals, weekends can often become days when they have to stay at home due to accessibility issues. How disabled individuals spend their weekends varies depending on the type of disability, age, place of residence and the socioeconomic status of their family.
• Staying at Home: A large portion of disabled individuals spend their weekends at home. The reasons for this include;
o The house they live in is not suitable for the disabled,
o Difficulty in transportation,
o Insufficient accessible spaces,
o Lack of financial resources required to participate in social activities.

• Spending Time with Family and Relatives: Disabled individuals generally spend their weekends with their families and relatives at home or outside.

• Social Clubs and Associations: Some disabled individuals socialize by participating in activities organized by social clubs and associations.

• Special Events for the Disabled: Municipalities, non-governmental organizations and private sector companies organize special events for the disabled. These events allow disabled individuals to socialize and have fun.

Difficulties Encountered by the Disabled
There are many difficulties that prevent disabled individuals from participating in the activities they want to spend their weekends in. Among these difficulties are;

• Accessibility Problems: Most disabled individuals have difficulty reaching places such as parks, museums and cinemas suitable for the disabled in the cities they live in.

• Transportation Problems: Disabled individuals experience transportation difficulties due to reasons such as public transportation not being suitable for the disabled and the cost of renting a private car.
• Lack of Information: Disabled individuals do not have sufficient information about activities that they can use on their weekends.

• Limited Financial Resources: Most disabled individuals do not have the financial resources necessary to participate in social activities.

Solution Suggestions
The following solution suggestions can be offered for disabled individuals to have a more enjoyable and productive weekend:

• Increasing Accessibility: All public buildings, parks, museums and other social areas should be made suitable for the disabled.

• Facilitating Transportation: Public transportation vehicles should be made suitable for the disabled, disabled taxi services should be expanded and the number of disabled bus stops should be increased.

• Improving Information: Websites and mobile applications that provide detailed information about weekend activities for disabled individuals should be developed.

• Increasing Financial Support: Financial support should be provided to facilitate the participation of disabled individuals in social activities.

• Strengthening the Role of Civil Society Organizations: Activities of civil society organizations should be supported in order to ensure the socialization of the disabled.

• Creating Awareness: Awareness studies should be conducted to increase sensitivity towards the disabled in society.
How disabled individuals spend their weekends has a significant impact on their quality of life. In order for disabled individuals to have more enjoyable and productive weekends, solutions such as increasing accessibility, facilitating transportation, improving information, providing financial support and strengthening the role of civil society organizations should be implemented. Thus, disabled individuals, like other individuals, will be able to spend their weekends as they wish.

Keywords: disabled, weekend, accessibility, social events, Turkey

Note: This article provides a general framework. For a more detailed study, the needs and expectations of different disabled groups should be examined separately.
January 2025
LiftArt Quality Life Systems
